
Orange Cares Charities: Mental Health America

For our 2020 Q3 charity, our team member Nikki Gamboa chose Mental Health America who was founded in 1909 with offices throughout the US in major metropolitan areas. They are the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the overall mental health of all Americans. Our work is driven by our commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it; with recovery as the goal.

This charity was chosen by Nikki and our team primarily because it addresses more than just suicide prevention, they focus on mental health at its root cause with the philosophy that mental health conditions should be treated long before they reach the most critical points in the disease process. In today’s world, everyone’s health has suffered one way or another, whether it would be physically or mentally. With the nation disrupted with the COVID pandemic, we all know someone suffering physically from the illness, mentally from the helplessness, or financially from a lost business or job. When working together anything is possible, and that is the goal with Mental Health America, we can all relate to suffering in one way or another, and this has never been more true than it has been over the last 4 months. Don’t silent your mind, embrace it and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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